Auf dieser zentral gelegenen Wiese unterhalb des zerklüfteten Felsmassivs der Schrammsteine wurde 1991 der Nationalpark eröffnet. An den Wirtschaftshütten am Rand der Wildwiese gibt es eine Feuerstelle.
After the bridge over the Kirnitzsch at the mouth of the Nassen Grund, we follow the well-maintained track through the valley, always ascending. Passing the Eulentilke and Reitsteig/Jordanweg turn-offs, we keep straight ahead. From the second junction, however, the track becomes somewhat worse and steeper until we reach the Wildwiese meadow. Return via the same route or follow the same route as the wheelchair tour ‘Around the Hohe Liebe’ on the Wenzelweg into the Zahnsgrund and then continue along the road downhill to Postelwitz. Please note: the distance information only refers to the approach to the Wildwiese, so it should be taken into account twice for the same outward and return journey!