© Corinna Bergelt, Greifensteinregion

From the lime works to the “Bastei” in Thum

At a glance

  • Start: Parking lot at the church in Herold, Zschopauer Straße, 09419 Thum OT Herold
  • Destination: Parking lot at the church in Herold, Zschopauer Straße, 09419 Thum OT Herold
  • Medium
  • 9,89 km
  • 2 hours 45 minutes
  • 217 m
  • 585 m
  • 432 m

Experience places of historical interest, such as the lime kilns and the old narrow-gauge railway line. After a short ascent through the fascinating rocky landscape of the “Bastei” observation point, you will be rewarded with impressive views.

Starting at the church, hike past the former lime works, where some of the kilns still remain intact today. Continue along the Helsigbach stream, uphill past the first hut. Go straight on, turn left after a short ascent, and you will come to the second hut. Follow the green markers to Thum. The route continues to the Tiergarten (zoo). After a short but steep climb to the “Bastei”, past fascinating rock formations, you will be welcomed with a beautiful view. Through the rocky landscape, walk to the Georgsfelsen viewpoint and follow an old avenue to the Wettinplatz, the former cemetery of the estate. The path runs along fields, through a small forest area, past a fish pond and finally turns right down to Herold. Walk along Obere Dorfstrasse to the former narrow-gauge railway station and from here back to the start.

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  • Unknown (4%)
  • Street (6%)
  • Tarmac (27%)
  • Gravel (30%)
  • Hiking trail (28%)
  • Path (5%)


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