Starting point: 0.0 km Leipzig city harbor entry/exit at the pier, parking available.
0.8 km Mouth of the Elster flood bed
Caution: Danger to life at the Palmengarten weir! Keep your distance! Straight ahead in Stadtelster direction Klingerhainbrücke
1.3 km Klingerweg jetty
Between Könneritzbrücke and Karlbrücke industrial architecture, restored ‘Buntgarnwerke’ (yarn mills)
2.3 km Karl-Heine canal junction
Turn right towards the west. Pay attention to oncoming traffic (narrow section)!
2.9 km pier Stadtteilpark Plagwitz accessible pier.
Please avoid driving through the water lilies!
4,8 km landing stage canal 28
Point of arrival: 6.0 km Lindenau harbor
The transfer from Lindenau harbor to the Elster-Saale Canal (approx. 150 m) should be done with a boat trolley.
With the realization of the waterway connection to the Lindenau harbor, the harbor area was connected to the waterway network of the Leipzig Neuseenland. It is about 11 km to the end of the Saale-Elster Canal near Zschöchergen in Saxony-Anhalt.