© Landskron BRAU-MANUFAKTUR, Görlitz, Archiv Europastadt GörlitzZgorzelec GmbH

Bicycle tour through the European City of Görlitz/Zgorzelec

At a glance

  • Start: Old Town Bridge (Altstadtbrücke), Görlitz
  • Destination: Old Town Bridge (Altstadtbrücke), Görlitz
  • Easy
  • 32,35 km
  • 3 hours
  • 104 m
  • 218 m
  • 182 m

During this bike ride you explore the European City of Görlitz/Zgorzelec and cycle along the Neisse River on German side as well as on Polish side.

There are not many cities in Europe symbolising European history the way the two cities of Görlitz and Zgorzelec do: division after World War II, tentative rapprochement, closed borders and intensive joint developments since the political turn in the GDR in 1989.

Together with Zgorzelec, the Polish part of the city which is located on the eastern side of the Neisse River, the city of Görlitz proclaimed itself an European City in 1998 and shows how people from two different nations are able to overcome borders. Since the extension of the European Union in 2004, the city has literally moved to the centre of our continent. Now the city‘s further exciting development in the middle of Europe is based on international interaction.

Further information at: https://www.goerlitz-zgorzelec.eu/

Tour dashboard


  • Unknown (2%)
  • Street (2%)
  • Tarmac (55%)
  • Gravel (2%)
  • Hiking trail (25%)
  • Dismount (16%)


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