The holiday apartment Zeche33 is located in Oberwiesenthal, the highest town in Germany.
In the heart of the Ore Mountains, you will find suitable recreational activities at any time of the year. Whether it's skiing and tobogganing with the children in winter or mountain biking in summer: you can rent various sports equipment or book tours with experienced guides in the area.
The town of Oberwiesenthal offers you free internet access via a Wi-Fi hotspot in most parts of the town. Despite its quiet location, the center of the town is only 300 meters away. You will also find shopping opportunities just 200 meters away. The accommodation is the perfect starting point for winter sports enthusiasts, as it is only about a 10-minute walk to the slope. Additionally, the accommodation offers a storage cellar for items such as ski or hiking equipment.
You will find the border crossing to the Czech Republic directly in the town.