From the Rauschenstein to the Schrammsteine

At a glance

  • Start: Schmilka S-Bahn station
  • Destination: Krippen S-Bahn station
  • Difficult
  • 11,26 km
  • 3 hours 20 minutes
  • 268 m
  • 337 m
  • 116 m

Very beautiful hike with unforgettable views of the rock worlds of the Elbe Sandstone Mountains.

In Schmilka, on the other side of the Elbe, the route first goes through the village and then steeply uphill in the forest. At the crossroads at the Zwieselhütte, a shelter hidden in the forest on the right, we keep straight on. We do the same at the next junction and always follow the fairly wide track without deviating from it. Once we have mastered the ascent, the Rauschenstein soon appears on the right. In the Middle Ages, this climbing peak was at times a robber's nest for highwaymen. Although it gets quite bumpy in places due to the gravel, we make good progress as there is only a little uphill and downhill. We now walk past more rocky reefs to the Devil's Tower. Unfortunately, there are a few small speed bumps to negotiate, which have been installed across the path to prevent soil erosion. The Devil's Tower is one of the most important rock formations in the mountains. It is a pity that it is hidden behind the trees. Once you have climbed the few steps, you will find a nice resting place. Continue along the Elbleitenweg to the Schrammsteine. We leave the junction of the Schrammsteinweg trail on the right. The hike now becomes a little more strenuous again with frequent short downhill stretches and climbs in sometimes difficult path conditions. From time to time, there are short sections with cross-cuts. 
When the Vordere Torstein rises steeply next to us on the right, these difficulties are also overcome. We walk past the so-called Schrammstein chain to the crossroads below the Schrammtor. Here, too, we continue straight ahead on the wide forest path. Soon we are greeted by the Falkenstein with its approx. 100 metre high rock faces, but we continue unperturbed in the direction of Wildwiese. We leave the first turn-off to the left because the wide path is better for going downhill. Only at the second junction do we turn off towards the large clearing. It offers a marvellous panorama and is perfect for a rest. Keeping westwards on the Wenzelweg, we soon reach the Zahnsgrund, where we follow the road further down the valley until we reach Postelwitz. We walk along the Elbe on the footpath to the ferry, cross over and reach Krippen railway station downstream.

Tour dashboard


  • Street (23%)
  • Tarmac (18%)
  • Gravel (55%)
  • Path (2%)
  • Unknown (1%)


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